
EMV 3D-Secure: a more secure, rapid and better e-commerce user experience

EMV 3D-Secure is an international security protocol to make e-commerce a better and safer experience for the consumer. So let’s get a better understanding about EMV 3D-Secure and what its main benefits are!

The global pandemic and risk of in-person transactions caused e-commerce sales to grow worldwide. According to a survey by Neotrust, in 2020 more than 10 million Latin American customers made their first digital purchase. In Brazil, e-commerce experienced 57.4% growth in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period the prior year. With the growth of e-commerce, the need to offer a more secure, better experience for online shopping also emerged.

What is EMV 3D-Secure?

3D-Secure is a security protocol used by the main card brands created by the global technical staff EMVCo (Europay, MasterCard and Visa). The term “3D” refers to the three domains that communicate during a transaction: card issuer, merchant, and cardholder. Exchanging data between these three players can increase authorization approval rates, reduce fraud and provide a better shopping experience for the cardholder.

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EMV 3D 2.2.0 – What’s the difference versus prior versions?

In 2001, the 3D-Secure 1.0 protocol was implemented to provide better authentication for cardholders who make purchases over the internet. In 2016, the protocol was revised and 3D-Secure 2.0 emerged with the goal of providing a better user experience. The version introduced risk-based authentication, removing much of the friction that existed in the previous versions. Also, version 2.0 can support all types of mobile devices, not just desktop browsers. In 2018, the protocol moved to version 3DS 2.2.0 to offer even more features: Decoupled Authentication: allows the cardholder to be authenticated even if he is not interacting directly with the commercial establishment, for example, in the automatic renewal of subscriptions. Allowable List: allows the merchant to be included in a database so that, when the cardholder returns to the merchant, this is recognized in the risk analysis.

What are the main benefits of EMV 3D-Secure?

Overall, the EMV 3D-Secure protocol offers significant benefits: – increased e-commerce security; – increase in authorization fees; – reduction of card not present fraud (CNP); – reduced friction in the customer’s checkout experience; – available for different digital platforms and channels; – protects merchants from exposure to fraud-related chargebacks.

Key benefits for card issuers: – risk-based authentication: more and better data involved in the decision-making process, generating less fraud in Card Not Present transactions; – more approved transactions; – increased consumer confidence.

Key benefits for merchants: – reduce purchase abandonment; – frictionless checkout; – reduced false declines.

Key benefits for customers: – Improved user experience/checkout; – easier authentication; – more confidence in every transaction.

To learn more about our EMV 3D-Secure solution:
e-commerce security


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